We had a lot of people asking us what we needed so I thought it would be helpful to write out a few items we personally found to be really convenient during this time. This list is far from perfect and I am sure will grow with time :)
- Sleepers with zippers – snaps are really hard in the middle of the night when you have an infant yelling at you to hurry up and get them dressed!
- Lactation cookies or hearty cookies – quick snack that is somewhat filling and easy to grab in between feeds, see my previous post
- Belly band – I love my Bellies Inc band, it can feel like your insides are falling out the first week postpartum and this band helped keep things snug https://www.belliesinc.com
- Padsickles – might be a bit personal but definitely a lifesaver! So even just bringing the ingredients for the mom to make them herself. I saturated thin pads with Thayers Witch hazel then added a layer of 100% aloe vera before freezing, before wearing, I applied calendula oil for extra healing
- Herbal sits bath – we carry pre-made herbs at the Nest Family Wellness Centre https://www.thenestfamilywellnesscentre.ca
- Good quality Supplements - Prenatal for mama, Vit D drops and infant probiotics - https://www.thenestfamilywellnesscentre.ca
- Hydrating ice cubes – the amount of water needed during breastfeeding is enormous so having electrolytes handy can be quite helpful. We made them using honey, salt, calcium, magnesium, and lemon
- Wool booties - just because they are cute! https://www.facebook.com/SolefulGinger/
- Placenta Encapsulation – this is a bit controversial and definitely personal!
- Here is a post of one mama’s experience: http://www.calmmother.com/blog/2015/2/7/all-about-placenta-encapsulation
- And a link to who I used for mine – Melynda Peterson: http://www.melyndapetersenbirthdoula.com